#+title: Demo: arrows across elements, pointing into code #+date: <2022-11-01 Tue> [[https://twitter.com/ctietze/status/1587044610890760193][Christian Tietze asks about drawing arrows]] and I thought I should try implementing that diagram here. #+name: example-block #+begin_src xml #+end_src #+begin_export html


Youtube: Crab rave:

Choose lines to point to:

#+end_export #+name: example-source #+begin_src xml


Youtube: Crab rave:

#+end_src Idea: surround each line with a ==, then have an arrow point to the left or right side of the span. The code is unfortunately not general, but it does draw the arrows programmatically. Tricky: /syntax highlighting/ turns the text into html, with spans etc. I'm modifying that html to add more spans. Todo: the layout for the right arrow needs be improved for short lines. See [[href:arrows-across-elements.org][source]] (quick & dirty prototype code). #+begin_export html Created 1 Nov 2022   Last modified: 04 Nov 2022 #+end_export