def find_landmark(map, landmark): for y in range(len(map)): x = map[y].find(landmark) if x >= 0: return (x, y) return None def print_map_compact(map, path): for y, row in enumerate(map): for x, char in enumerate(row): if (x, y) in path: print("@", end="") else: print(char, end="") print() if len(path) == 0: print(" ### NO PATH ###\n\n") # I'm also defining an html output for debugging def print_map_html(map, explored, path): light_left = {} max_light = 1 for location, dt_list in explored.items(): for (distance, light, *_) in dt_list: light_left[location] = max(light, light_left.get(location, 0)) max_light = max(max_light, light) print('
    for y, row in enumerate(map):
        for x, char in enumerate(row):
            if char == '\n':
                style = []
                title = []
                if WALL_CHARS.find(char) >= 0:
                if (x, y) in path:
                    for i, loc in enumerate(path):
                        if loc == (x, y): title.append("@step {}".format(i))
                    if char == ' ':
                        count = path.count((x, y))
                        if count == 1: char = '•'
                        elif count == 2: char = '●'
                        else: char = '◉'
                    if char == 't':
                        char = 'T'
                if (x, y) in light_left:
                    if char == 't' or char == 'T':
                            0.5 * (1 + light_left[(x, y)] / max_light)))
                if not style:
                if char == ' ': 
                    char = " " # ugh, not sure why this is needed
                    ";".join(style), "; ".join(title), char), end="")
') import time, collections DIRS = [(1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0), (0, 1)] WALL_CHARS = "x-|" def search(map, start, goal): start_time, COUNT, HIT_WALL, PRUNED, OUT_OF_LIGHT = time.time(), 0, 0, 0, 0 open = collections.deque() # state open.append((start, 0, set(), None)) seen = {} # {loc: set of (distance, light)} seen[start] = set([(0, 15)]) while open: state = open.popleft() loc, distance, torches, _ = state if loc == goal: break COUNT += 1 if 15 + 15 * len(torches) - distance <= 0: OUT_OF_LIGHT += 1 continue # can't take any distance because we're out of light (x, y) = loc for (dx, dy) in DIRS: x2 = x + dx y2 = y + dy loc2 = (x2, y2) distance2 = distance + 1 torches2 = torches if WALL_CHARS.find(map[y2][x2]) >= 0: # can't walk into a wall HIT_WALL += 1 continue if map[y2][x2] == 't' and (x2, y2) not in torches: # pick up the torch if it's still there torches2 = torches.copy() torches2.add(loc2) seen.setdefault(loc2, set()) light2 = 15 + 15 * len(torches2) - distance2 for (d, l) in seen[loc2]: if d <= distance2 and l >= light2: # we've been here before with better conditions PRUNED += 1 break else: open.append((loc2, distance2, torches2, state)) seen[loc2].add((distance2, light2)) # reconstruct the path path = [] light_levels = [] if state[0] == goal: current = state while current != None: loc, distance, torches, parent = current path.append(loc) light_levels.append(15 + 15 * len(torches) - distance) current = parent light_levels.reverse() path.reverse() # some stats print("processed:", COUNT, "; hit wall:", HIT_WALL, "; out of light:", OUT_OF_LIGHT, "; pruned:", PRUNED, "; path length:", len(path)-1, "; time: %dms" % (1000*(time.time()-start_time))) print("light along the path:", light_levels) return seen, path def run(filename): print("_"*20, filename, "_"*40) map = open(filename).readlines() start = find_landmark(map, 'H') goal = find_landmark(map, 'T') results, path = search(map, start, goal) print_map_compact(map, path) print("\n\n\n")