Table of Contents
I’m watching Prof Ghrist’s lectures to learn about Hopf bifurcation[1].
I put it into Andrei Kashcha’s vector field visualization tool: Hopf with subcritical[2] and Hopf with supercritical[3].
// p.x and p.y are current coordinates // v.x and v.y is a velocity at point p vec2 get_velocity(vec2 p) { // hopf bifurcation float m = 1.0; float w = 1.0; float c = -1.0; float r2 = dot(p, p); return vec2( m * p.x - w * p.y + c * p.x * r2, w * p.y + m * p.x + c * p.y * r2 ); }
I posted the video to Twitter[4].
My notes from the videos:
1 10.1: A New Bifurcation#
The Hopf Bifurcation is an example of a bifurcation that does not behave separately on the two dimensions, but both dimensions work together in an inseparable way.
- dx/dt = μx - ωy + cx(x² + y²)
- dy/dt = ωx + μx + cy(x² + y²)
where c, ω are constants and μ is a parameter. {This seems a little weird to me because μ and ω look like they’re doing the same types of things, so why aren’t both of them parameters?}
He then analyzes the pair of equations by writing it in matrix form and finding the eigenvalues.
- if μ < 0: spiral sink
- if μ > 0: spiral source
- at μ = 0: bifurcation
1.1 10.2 Birth of a Limit Cycle
In matrix form you can see that there’s a rotation, so convert the equation into polar coordinates. After following some algebra, it simplifes a lot!
- dr/dt = μr + cr³
- dθ/dt = ω
This is nice because now these two parameters are independent of each other.
- θ: it’s spinning at a constant rate
- r: solve for equilibria: dr/dt = 0 → r = 0 OR r = √(-μ/c)
When c = -1: unstable equilibrium at r = 0, stable equilibrium at r = √(-μ/c). This an attracting periodic orbit.
When c = +1:
1.2 10.3 Supercritical vs Subcritical Hopf
Relates this to the pitchfork bifurcation. {I haven’t watched that chapter yet.}
- supercritical: when c < 0, stable periodic orbit, safe in that if you go from stable to orbit and then reduce parameter μ you get back to a stable position
- subcritical: when c > 0, unstable periodic orbit, unsafe in that if you go from stable to orbit and then reduce parameter μ you may never get back to stability
Really beautiful graphics in this video.
1.3 10.4 Example of a Hopf
Example chemistry model
- dx/dy = 1 - (b+1)x + ax²y
- dy/dt = bx - ax²y
Calculates the equilibrium to be at x = 1, y = b/a.
Then he calculates the partial derivative matrix and its determinant and trace, and shows that there’s a Hopf bifurcation in there. {I don’t understand this because I haven’t yet watched the earlier videos.}
He says there are lots of examples of Hopf bifurcations in nature! But it’s hard to figure out whether they’re supercritical or subcritical.
1.4 10.5 A Super/Sub Criterion for Hopfs
Do you care whether a Hopf bifurcation is supercritical or subcritical? Yes! Here’s how to figure it out:
- Translate the system to put the origin at the bifurcation point.
- Rewrite the system into a particular form, separating the linear from higher order portions.
- Evaluate partial derivatives at the origin. Long ugly formula.
- If you get a negative number, it’s supercritical; if you get a positive number, subcritical.
1.5 Thoughts
I understood parts of this but I think I need to go back through previous chapters to really understand the analysis.
But I don’t need the analysis to be able to play with the visualization!